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Government to sideline farmers who have not paid their debts

Chris Mahove  Government says it will review its contract agreements with farmers for this cropping season and will not finance those that have not paid their debts from last season. In a statement,  Minister of Lands,...

Zimbabwe prepares for bumper harvest

Sydney Kawadza Zimbabwe is expected to harvest more than double its grain requirements for the Strategic Grain Reserves with Cabinet announcing an estimated 2.8 million tonnes of maize from the 2020/2021 agricultural season. Zimbabwe requires at...

GMB to pay maize producers $16k after 30% incentive

Tawanda Marwizi Farmers who deliver their maize and other traditional grains will now enjoy the 30 percent incentive after the Grain Marketing Board directed all its depots to start paying the money. Cabinet recently approved the...

COVID-19 exposes weak food systems – FAO

Farai Mabeza The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a wakeup call for the radical transformation of food systems, the Food and Agriculture Organisation has said. According to...
Water Irrigation

Forex woes hamper irrigation development

Farai Mabeza Government has blamed foreign exchange woes for its failure to develop adequate irrigation infrastructure in the face of consecutive droughts experienced in Zimbabwe. In the Annual Budget and Economic Review for the 2019 fiscal...

Cottco expects 27% reduced cotton intake to 85 000t

HARARE – Cottco Holdings says it expects reduced intake in the current season due to the late onset of the rains and the erratic rainfall patterns but payment modalities have been put in place...
Government is pinning it's hope of enhanced agricultural production on 2.2 million families trained under the Pfumvudza programme

Youth participation in Pfumvunza too low – Machakaire

Tawanda Marwizi Youth in Zimbabwe should participate in the government initiated farming scheme, Pfumvudza, as a way of reducing poverty in communities while avoiding drug-related crimes due to idleness, Youths, Sport, Arts and Culture Deputy...
Zimbabwe is losing its forests due to logging, fuelwood harvesting, unsustainable agricultural activities, mining, urbanization, timber production and forest fires

Zim losing 260 000ha of forests annually – Minister

Edson Mapani Zimbabwe is losing at least 260 000 hectares of forests annually amid concern from government which has called on for the curtailing of the destruction. Addressing the 2021 graduation ceremony at the Forest Industry...
bags of mealie meal at Renkini

Govt owes millers $120m – GMAZ

Almot Maqolo HARARE – The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) says it is owed more than $120m by government for roller meal subsidy refunds dating back from last December. This, the association says, was affecting...
Tobacco Zimbabwe

TIMB rebrands to ensure sustainability

The Tobacco Industry Marketing Board has rebranded to ensure sustainable production and marketing of tobacco in Zimbabwe. TIMB Chief Executive, Meanwell Gudu said the rebranding project is the first of its kind by the Board....