Discretionary bonus for NSSA pensioners

Maxwell Chingaira

The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) board, in consultation with Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Paul Mavima, has awarded pensioners a once off discretionary bonus equivalent to a month’s pension to cushion NSSA pensioners from the general increase in the cost of living.

The bonus will be paid together with the April pension disbursements.

The decision was taken as a stop gap measure while the authority is working on a periodic actuarial review.

“The actuarial valuation will guide the Authority in determining the level of benefits reviews, considering the long-term sustainability of its schemes, said NSSA acting general
Manager Aurthur Manase.

The discretionary bonus comes five months after NSSA increased the minimum monthly pension from ZWL$80 to ZWL$200 for the Pension and Other Benefits Scheme (POBS) and the minimum worker’s pension from ZWL$80 to ZWL$240 for the Accident Prevention and Workers Compensation Scheme (APWCS). Prior to the review, the Authority awarded a similar discretionary bonus in July of the same year.

NSSA is encouraging pensioners to utilise alternative means to access their pensions such as mobile money and bank cards due to the lock-down brought about by COVID-19.

Pensioners are also advised to wash their hands regularly with soap and clean water, as well as to exercise social distancing for the sake of their health.


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