Croco Motor dragged to court over refueling blunder


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Staff Reporter

Zimbabwe’s leading car dealer, Croco Motors has been embroiled in a dispute after its workers refilled a client’s Mercedes Benz with Diesel instead of Petrol.

Kudzai Mundangepfupfu, a top client for Croco Motors had his car refilled with diesel insyeda of petrol and is ow suing the company for the error.

Documents available suggest that Mundangepfupfu’s vehicle, a Mercedes Benz C 200 was refilled with diesel by a fuel attendant at Croco Puma Bond service stand on April 25, 2022.

Subsequently, upon realizing the error, Croco Motors engaged its resident mechanics to drain the diesel from the car, and after doing so, refilled the vehicle with petrol.

Correspondence between lawyers  Mundangepfupfu’s lawyers to Croco Motors’ legal advisers, the vehicle, which has since been inspected by Zimoco, has multiple dysfunctional faults, problems which Mundangepfupfu claims only arose as a result of the refueling mistake.

The legal documents, show that Croco Motors offered Mundangepfupfu a Ford Ranger T6 vehicle for her use while attending to her dysfunctional car at the vehicle dealership’s garage.

However, Croco Motors is now demanding its vehicle back, while Mundangepfupfu insists she will not hand it back before the entity adequately compensate her for the technical faults diagnosed after her car was erroneously refueled with diesel instead of petrol.

“Our client advised us that on April 25, a fuel attendant at Croco Puma Bond Service stand erroneously fuelled her vehicle…with diesel instead of petrol. Having realised the error, Croco Motors then engaged their resident mechanics to attend to the car,” wrote Mundangepfupfu’s lawyers on May 9, in a letter addressed to Croco’s legal representatives.

“We are advised that the Croco Motors mechanics proceeded to take the car to your workshop whereby they opened the bonnet and located the fuel supply line. They disconnected it, and began draining the tank by repeatedly turning the ignition…Our client has sought independent advice and was informed that the manner in which the vehicle was handled is not the standard procedure that ought to have been taken which was also confirmed by the Croco workshop mechanics.”


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