Marange teenager’s death: More charges against parents

Apostolic sects have been accused of fueling child marriages in Zimbabwe
Apostolic sects have been accused of fueling child marriages in Zimbabwe

Talkmore Gandiwa

The Zimbabwe Republic Police is pressing fresh criminal charges against Anna Machaya’s parents for allegedly obstructing the course of justice.

According to police national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi the minor who died after giving birth at an apostolic sect shrine in Marange was not Memory Machaya.

He also revealed that police had also conducted comprehensive investigations leading to the arrest of Hatirarami Momberume (26) alias Evans Momberume.

Momberume is facing rape charges.

“The minor who died in this case is Anna Machaya not Memory Machaya,” Nyati said in a statement Thursday afternoon.

Anna Machaya was born on July 5, 2006 and died on July 15 this year.

She was buried at the shrine after experiencing complications while giving birth.

It has also emerged that Memory Machaya was born on January 2 in 1999.

Nyathi said in addition to obstructing justice charges, the late Anna Machaya’s parents will face charges of pledging a minor after trying to hand over another minor aged nine years to Momberume.

He said Anna’s mother gave false documents to police investigating the in a bid to prove that she was in 1999.

Nyati said police investigations also revealed that the identity card produced to the police belonged to a namesake of the late minor.

Memory is a daughter to Ernest Machaya, who is an uncle to the deceased Anna Machaya. لعبة استراتيجية اون لاين

“It is through school records in Mhondoro that the police proved that the late Anna Machaya was born on the 5 of July 2006 to Edmore Machaya and Shy Mabika,” Nyati said.

Police also collected correct birth certificate copies of Memory Machaya (22) and Anna Machaya (15).

The police further confirmed that the two were different people with two different parents though they share the same surname.

Ernest Machaya is an uncle to the late minor whose daughter’s documents were being used in an attempt to obstruct the course of justice.

“Memory Machaya is alive and currently married to Lameck Makonye alias Sigodhla (54) in Mhondoro,” Nyati said.

“Investigations are in progress with a view of unraveling all facts in the case. ahlabet. com Anyone who tries to interfere with the police investigations will face the full wrath of the law.”

Anna Machaya’s death during child birth has sparked an outcry in Zimbabwe and across the world with activists against child marriages hoping the case is a watershed moment in raising awareness against child marriages.

Zimbabwe has committed to end child, early and forced marriage by 2030.

It also ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, which sets a minimum age of marriage of 18. But despite this, girls in Zimbabwe are not safe from the practice.

More than 34 percent of girls are married before the age of 18 in Zimbabwe while five percent are married before the age of 15 years. مكان اليورو 2022


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