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Tag: Emmerson Mnangagwa

Chamisa reluctant to form new party

Tawanda Marwizi Opposition MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa is reluctant to form a new political party saying it would be a betrayal to Morgan Tsvangirai,...

Churches allowed to gather under COVID-19 restrictions as ED sets prayer...

Cynthia Chitombi President Mnangagwa has allowed churches across Zimbabwe to gather for their services on conditions that congregants observe social distancing and not to exceed...

Banks to finance productive sector Covid-19 support

Farai Mabeza Productive sector support under the $18.02 billion COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Stimulus Package will be financed by banks through normal banking channels and...

Buyanga seeks ED intervention

Xolisani Ncube Flamboyant businessman, Frank Buyanga has petitioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stop Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga from spreading falsehoods against him. The wealthy businessman said...

AfDB executive directors worried by rising poverty levels

 Sydney Kawadza A group of executive directors from the African Development Bank visiting Zimbabwe have expressed concern over the rising poverty levels in urban areas. According...

EU suspends travel restrictions on Grace Mugabe

Farai Mabeza THE European Union (EU) has suspended restrictive measures on former first lady Grace Mugabe, a move hailed by proponents of government’s re-engagement drive. In...

A history: MOGS checkered past with Zim politicians

STAFF WRITER South African commodities company, Mine Oil and Gas Services has for the past seven years been trying to get a slice of Zimbabwe's...

Chamisa wants dialogue with ED, military

Cynthia Chitombi MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa says he is ready to dialogue with his rival President Emmerson Mnangagwa, but on condition the military is...

ED shakes up CIO amid coup fears

Maxwell Chingaira President Mnangagwa has made senior appointments within the Central Intelligence Organisation as fears of a possible coup continue to grip the power corridors. Mnangagwa...

ED and allies implicated in Mugabe’s maShurugwi probe – Professor Moyo

Xolisani Ncube The late former President Robert Mugabe allegedly instituted an investigation into machete wars in the Midlands and current ministers were allegedly implicated, an...